We're almost at the end of our AMA section, where you had the opportunity to meet the members of the re:do team. For the final round, we've saved our main member.
Surely you are curious about who the boss at re:do is? Here we goooo…3, 2,1...
We are introducing to you our Iliyan, Managing Director, or as we call him the Grand Master, who comes from Bulgaria.
Iliyan holds the reins of the re:do team, ensuring that everyone shines in their field. We all strive to achieve our goals: to provide the best services to our users in a better and fairer way and to forever transform the telecommunications industry. Aside from being our Grand Master he has also been lecturing at The New Bulgarian University for the past 6 years, specializing in topics related to innovation and behavioral science. He believes that education is an excellent way to prepare society for the future. Not only is Iliyan a businessman, but he is also a true athlete who actively participates in various sports, in his free time. He knows his way around the kitchen, is great at making pasta, as well as the most wonderful espresso. He is a true master in the kitchen, excelling as an Italian chef!
His biggest question in life is how does the brain work from all the angles - neurological, psychological, endocrinological, and more.🧠
Let's go! Get your fingers ready and think of questions you can ask Iliyan if you are curious about how he manages everything so well with the re:do team and students at the University. Of course, you can also share a photo of your best pasta with him.
Share them below! Iliyan will be with us on Wednesday, November 15., from 10 a.m.
Let`s keep in touch.
Please ask questions in english, Thanks
In prišli smo skoraj do konca naše rubrike AMA, kjer ste spoznavali člane ekipe re:do. Za zadnji krog pa smo prihranili našega glavnega člana.
Zagotovo te zanima, kdo je the boss v re:do?
Tri, dva, ena … predstavljamo ti našega Iliyana, managing direktorja, po naše pa kar Grand Master, ki prihaja iz Bolgarije.
Iliyan drži vajeti v rokah re:do ekipe, da vsak blesti na svojem področju, vsi pa se trudimo doseči naše cilje – ponuditi najboljše storitve našim uporabnikom na boljši in bolj pošten način ter za vedno preoblikovati telekomunikacijsko industrijo. Iliyan ni samo Grand Master, ampak tudi profesor, saj zadnjih šest let na Univerzi v Bolgariji poučuje o inovacijah in vedenjskih znanostih, ker verjame, da je izobraževanje odličen način za pripravo družbe na prihodnost. Ni samo poslovnež, v prostem času je pravi športnik, saj je športno precej aktiven in mu noben šport ni tuj. A tudi kuhinja mu ni tuja, saj pripravi najboljše testenine, za konec pa postreže z najboljšo espresso kavo. To bi lahko poimenovali skoraj italijansko umetniško delo.
Njegova največja uganka v življenju pa je, kako možgani delujejo z različnih zornih kotov – nevrološkega, psihološkega, endokrinološkega in še več. 🧠
Gremo, akcija reakcija!
Pripravi svoje prste in vprašanja za Iliyana, če te zanima, kako vse tako dobro »pohendla« z re:do ekipo in študenti na univerzi ter kdaj ob vsem tem najde še čas za kulinariko in športne aktivnost.
Seveda pa lahko z njim deliš tudi fotko svojih najboljših testenin. Slajdni nam jih tukaj spodaj
, Iliyan pa bo z nami v sredo, 15. novembra, od 10. ure naprej.
Plissss postavi Iliyanu vprašanje v agnleščini ! Thanks